Shape your doctorate: Managing your projects, research and time

15.05.2024 - 12.06.2024
Ca. 5h "workshop time" + prep.
  • 15.05.2024, 12:30 - 14:00
  • 29.05.2024, 12:30 - 14:00
  • 12.06.2024, 12:30 - 14:00
Online course
  • Dorthe,?Peter André  ()
  • Pardo Escher,?Olga  ()
  • Kursadministration,?Development & Leadership, ETH Zürich  ()


  • This programme accompanies the e-Learning: "Effective management of your research" (Epigeum / Sage Publishing) and supports doctoral students with applying methods and tools from the e-Learning.

  • ETH’s accompanying programme is open to doctoral students serious about benefitting from discussing research planning challenges with their peers

  • The e-Learning can be done self-paced and independently as well (ca. 2-3 hours)

  • Programme topics include project planning an managing timelines, working with supervisors, colleagues and stakeholders, using SWOT and SMART approaches to define your project.

Format details

Online, via Zoom

Session 1 (1.5h) – Course overview, doctoral research planning for the ETH context (doctoral plan), formation of peer groups for course

Session 2 (1.5h) – Participants provide examples of challenges related to project planning, which will be reviewed/discussed in the plenary or in peer groups

Session 3 (1.5h) – Ask questions you have collected – Meet a panel of ETH researchers (advisors, experienced students/postdocs/staff), offering different viewpoints and strategies towards approaching and planning your doctorate

What do you get out of this accompanying programme?

  • ETH organizes 1st year doctoral student peer groups from across campus (not just limited to a department)
  • ETH doctoral students can network with cohort peers, who can help with challenges in the future
  • Doctoral students test out collegial coaching methodology to make the most out of solution-oriented discussions
  • Doctoral Students can discuss and apply common 1st year research planning challenges with peers
  • Doctoral Students have the opportunity to ask questions that may have arisen from the e-Learning to a live panel of ETH researchers (i.e. different tips from across ETH)

Doctoral students

Doctoral students


Peter Dorthe, Dr. Olga Pardo, Dr. Giorgia Zandomeneghi, Plus additional speakers

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